24/7 Support: The Backbone of Successful Pre-Roll Automation

24/7 Support The Backbone of Successful Pre-Roll Automation - Hefestus

It’s the cannabis operator’s worst nightmare. You spend big money on a new piece of automation, and the machine is down most of the time.

In a fast-moving industry with such tight margins, this is one headache operators simply cannot afford.

Even the most reliable machines are prone to issues where tech support is needed, and when an operator invests in a commercial pre-roll machine, they deserve 24/7 access to support.

It’s not just about solving problems; it’s about preventing them, ensuring continuous operation, and providing peace of mind.

The 24/7 Promise: Ensuring Constant Assistance

In the world of cannabis pre-roll automation, time is of the essence, and downtime is the enemy.

This is why Hefestus remains committed to offering 24/7 customer support – a virtual lifeline to your clients any time they need us.

Why 24/7 Support Matters

  • Uninterrupted Operations: With virtual support available at any hour, operators can rest assured that any issue, no matter how small, can be addressed promptly, ensuring minimal disruption to their operations.
  • Boosting Efficiency: Knowing help is always on hand not only reduces stress but also boosts overall operational efficiency, a critical factor in an industry where every second counts.

Hefestus technicians are able to access our industrial pre-roll machines from anywhere in the world to see what’s happening with the machine in real-time.

As Jessie Trigleth, lead tech for Hefestus in the U.S., puts it: “Our machines are rarely down longer than one night, and 99% of the issues that arise with the AuraX or the AuraOne can be address over the phone within five minutes.”

Real-Life Scenarios: Support in Action

What does great customer support look like in action? Here a few anonymous examples from Hefestus archives:

Scenario 1: The Late-Night Hiccup

  • Situation: It’s 2 AM, and a large batch of pre-rolls is being processed for an urgent order. Suddenly, the AuraX machine signals an error, halting production.
  • Action: The operator immediately contacts Hefestus’ 24/7 support line. Within minutes, a technician remotely accesses the machine, diagnoses the issue, and guides the operator through a simple fix.
  • Outcome: Production resumes with minimal downtime, and the urgent order is fulfilled on time.

Scenario 2: Calibration Conundrum

  • Situation: An operator notices the AuraOne machine isn’t performing at its optimal efficiency, potentially affecting product quality.
  • Action: A quick call to Hefestus’ support team leads to a real-time walk-through of recalibration procedures.
  • Outcome: The machine’s performance is restored to its peak, ensuring consistent product quality.

Scenario 3: The Weekend Warrior

  • Situation: On a busy weekend, is planning to set up a new AuraOne commercial pre-roll machine from Hefestus is no idea where to begin.
  • Action: Hefestus’s support team is already there, on the premises for five days as part of our usual installation process, providing step-by-step guidance, ensuring the operator is confident and the machine is correctly set up.
  • Outcome: The operator gains valuable knowledge and experience, enhancing operations immediately.

Beyond Technical Help: Building a Relationship

At Hefestus, customer support transcends the traditional bounds of technical assistance. It’s about nurturing a collaborative relationship, where feedback loops play a crucial role in ongoing innovation and improvement.

Fostering a Feedback Culture

  • istening to the OperatorsL: Regular interaction with clients is about solving immediate issues, and it’s also an opportunity to gather insights and suggestions. This feedback directly informs the evolution of Hefestus machines.
  • Continuous Improvement: Each piece of client feedback is a valuable asset, leading to enhancements that make Hefestus machines more intuitive, reliable, and efficient.

Building Trust Through Engagement

  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Clients are not just receiving support; they’re active participants in the troubleshooting process, fostering a deeper understanding of the machinery.
  • The Family Aspect: This ongoing dialogue creates a bond akin to a family. Clients know that their voices are heard and valued, solidifying their trust in Hefestus.

By emphasizing the importance of feedback loops within client relationships, Hefestus fine-tunes the entire customer experience.

This approach has been instrumental in developing our outstanding automation technology, ensuring that both the machines and the relationships we build are of the highest caliber.

Evaluating Providers: The Support Factor

When selecting a cannabis pre-roll automation provider, the quality of customer support should be a top priority. It’s a crucial factor that can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your operation.

Key Considerations in Choosing a Provider

  • Response Time and Accessibility: How quickly does the support team respond to queries? Is there a guarantee of 24/7 availability?
  • Technical Expertise: Assess the technical competency of the support team. Are they well-versed in the nuances of pre-roll automation technology?
  • Feedback Mechanism: Evaluate the provider’s openness to customer feedback. Do they actively seek input and use it to improve their services and products?

Questions to Ask

  1. What is your average response time to support requests?
  2. Can you describe how customer feedback has influenced your product development?
  3. What training does your support team receive to stay current with industry advancements?

Choosing a provider with strong customer support ensures immediate technical help along with a partnership that can adapt and grow with your business needs.

Prioritizing Support in Your Automation Decision

In the journey towards automation in the cannabis industry, the choice of machinery is undoubtedly important. 

However, the true hallmark of a wise investment lies in the quality of customer support. Hefestus’s commitment to 24/7 assistance, coupled with our dedication to building relationships through active feedback loops, sets us apart as a reliable provider and a partner in success.

Operators should remember that the right support can mean the difference between a minor hiccup and a major operational setback. 

With Hefestus, yes you’re purchasing an incredible machine, and you’re also gaining a team that’s invested in your success, around the clock. 

Our unparalleled support ensures that your operations run smoothly, your team grows in knowledge and confidence, and your business thrives in an ever-evolving market.