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Yad Mordechai

The challenge presented to us by the company was to find a solution for filling honey in pressurized containers. While it may seem like a standard request, honey is a particularly difficult substance to pour at room temperature, especially when filling an unstable container with an extremely narrow opening.

In recent years, we have seen a growing demand for pressurized bottles in the food industry. For consumers, this is a revolutionary product in the kitchen, but for marketers, it presents a real challenge.

Our solution for Mordechai was to fill the honey at a warmer temperature and transport the bottles along the filling line using a SERVO-driven “snail” mechanism. This custom solution was a success and has allowed thousands of families in Israel to enjoy sweet honey in a convenient squeeze bottle.

If you also have a challenging product or unique packaging requirement that you haven’t found a solution for yet, that’s exactly what we’re here for. Our team of experts can help you develop a custom solution that meets your specific needs and requirements. Contact us today to learn more.